Glass Bottom Boat

I built this along with my trimaran boat starting in early April 2017 and finishing in mid-July of 2017. I did not use CAD to design the glass bottom boat, instead, I used pen and paper. The Plexy glass bottom is 4ft by 6ft with an extra foot on all sides, making the boat's overall dimensions 6ft by 8ft.

This is an animation showing the boat being disassembled (exploded) and reassembled, allowing you to see all the parts.

Side panels laminated and vacuum bagged on the mold.

3 of 4 side panels assembled.

Last side panel assembled.

Side panels have been bolted together and plexiglass floor has been installed. Note: the boat is upside down

Protective layer on plexiglass has been removed and side panels have been painted. Note: the boat is upside down.

The boat has a small electric trolling motor and 12 volt battery along with the circuitry to power the two 100-watt LEDs and pumps to water cool them.

My Grandmother, Sister, and I in the boat at night with both 100 watt LEDs on lighting up the lake below us.