The main engine has no reverse, so to maneuver, I designed two 3 hp electric maneuvering thrusters. Each one can rotate the motor 360 degrees and keep rotating due to the slip ring used for all the electrical connections.
The thrusters are designed for relatively low-speed maneuvering, so when the main engine is turned on, they are designed to retract into the hull. The right images shows the maneuvering thruster fully retracted, and the left show the maneuvering thruster fully extended.
Below are some renderings of part of a maneuvering thruster. A servo motor drives a worm gear, which rotates the thruster so it can point in any direction. The large curved cyan tube with a window allows the wire coming out of the vertical shaft from the thrusters to be connected to the black slip ring at the top. Without the large curved cyan tube, it would be impossible to assemble the thruster.
The maneuvering thrusters controller has been fully built and programmed; see the PLC page. I have finished machining most of the parts of the maneuverings thrusters with the exception of a couple of parts. Additionally, I think I’m going to switch the thruster motor to one that is already waterproof, as designing a housing for a regular motor that could be machined easily is proving to be difficult. Below are some pictures of all the parts that I have already machined or manufactured.
Below are some images of the CAD model, as you can see I like adding a lot of bolts :)